Monday Musings May 17, 2021

-Happy Monday everyone! I am back and slowly recovering from surgery. The surgery went very well and the recovery is going well so far. It is just a slow process.

-I finished:

-I’m watching:

-I’m reading:

-My latest podcast offerings:

74. Caught between Sid and the Black Scorpion: Clash 12

Sting is stunned, Bob talks tattoos with Buddy Landell, Flair wants Luger, Sid wants Sting, The Black Scorpion plays mind games, Kevin Nash makes his WCW debut, The Nasty Boys make an appearance. Stan Hansen proves a point about motivation, and Joey prepares for surgery as he takes a look at Clash of the Champions 12.


Taking the same land twice

One of the resolutions that I have made for myself this year was to lose wight. This morning I weighed myself and I have lost 20 pounds. Yeah!!! It got me to thinking though, about something I heard once. This old military saying that some general or something was to have said once. The saying is that this general said that he hated to ever have to retreat, because he didn’t want to have to take over a piece of land twice. That is how my weight loss has been. I hate to see that scale creep up even a pound, because that means that I have to lose that pound all over again. Kind of like a one step forward, two steps back kind of thing.

The new Harry Potter book comes out this summer. I feel so bad, I haven’t read but one book this year. I am really falling behind in my reading. Things at work have been really hectic as this is one of the busy times of the year at my job.

A tow truck is coming to get the station wagon this week and take it off to the junk yard, presumably to be crushed. It had a good run.

Wednesday night update

I hope you all are doing well on this Wednesday evening. I have been busy the past few days with work related issues. This time of the year is usually busy for me. Things will slow down a little for now but things are always steady until about the middle of March, when business picks up bit by bit until about the second week of May. Then we are into the summer months.

A positive about summer that I am looking forward to is fulfilling one of my lifelong dreams of seeing the Red Sox play in Fenway Park. I have never visited Boston before so this will be one exciting trip for me and a kind of vacation to kick off the start of the summer.

One of the resolutions that I made for myself this year was to lose some weight. Now I have a large amount of weight to lose but don’t plan to do it all at once or very quickly. I didn’t get to be the shape I am in now overnight and I am not going to lose it all overnight. I am proud to say that I have lost about 17 pounds so far. I watch what I eat and make sure that I am eating all of the right things. I probably have a couple of pounds of that back after visiting a Chinese buffet today for lunch to celebrate my bosses birthday. I did notice that I was full way earlier than I used to be and stopped eating long before the other people I was with. I guess that is progress. I had a wonderful dinner tonight prepared by my lovely wife. A nice salad and some good chicken breast. It doesn’t get much better than that.

Thank you to everyone who has visited the blog the past few days and left comments. I love it when I hear from people out there who read this little blog of mine.

It is time for me to run. Take care.

Coming to terms

It has taken me several years to come to the fact that I am who I am. I can’t change everything about myself. I work on those things that I can change about myself, such as my weight or being more organized. I cannot change the fact that I am not some super alpha male. I have to accept that.

Does this mean that I am not capapble of alpha behavior? Of course not. I can do what needs to be done when the situation calls for it. I just wanted to be the classic alpha male that you see in television and in the movies. I have written about my love of Magnum, P.I. on this blog before. Some part of me always wanted to be Magnum I guess. That is not me though, and I can accept that.

Good Morning

Good morning,
Let me first apologize for the embarrassing amount of time between posts. That is not good. The diet is slowly and steadily coming along. In the last month or so, I have cheated big time and my weight is stuck around the same area. I need to have more self discipline and self control. That is something that is seriously lacking in my life right now. I feel that I need to eat at times. It’s almost like a compulsion. Of course later on I feel guilty and believe that I am the worst person on the face of the earth. Food feels good at this time. Like it is a drug just as powerful as alcohol or cocaine. My need for it is uncontrollable. I feel so ashamed when I overeat. I suffer from something that some would call morbid obesity and I call TDF, TOO DAMN FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! And make no mistake about it, this is no ones fault but my own. It does me no good to blame someone else for my own troubles. More later.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joey Harris

Early Evening Post

Good evening.
It seems as though Dick Ebersol’s younger son did not survive the crash on Sunday. This is a tragic event that happened. I don’t know the family but you wouldn’t want to see something like that happen to anyone.
I am happy to see the President appoint some minorities to high cabinet posts. It was also good to see the people appointed by their merits and not to fulfill some quota.
I don’t know how, but I managed to gain a pound over the weekend. I don’t know what I ate any different. But somehow the pound crept onto my body. My weight problem is an ongoing issue. It is also a lifelong issue. I will always be fighting the battle of the bulge. I do not want to lose weight any more. I have lost weight before. Somehow, that weight found its way back to me and brought several of its friends to the party. No more losing weight for me. I want to get rid of the weight.
I think I am starting to get a cold. My throat feels a little sore. I also have a wisdom tooth that is trying to come through and is making everything on the right side of my mouth sore. I have to get it pulled and soon. I hate having my wisdom teeth come in so late. I have to get dental insurance soon. I may have a job change coming up so that will help things out if it comes through. I have to learn to think positively. More later.

Afternoon Post

Sorry about the late update today, work takes precedence over the blog. Almost 33 million people are traveling this week. So if you are headed somewhere for the holiday, be careful out there
This is the first major holiday for me since starting on my low carb diet. I have to watch what I eat. Food has not been that big of a problem for me since I began the diet about a month ago. The temptation comes tomorrow night though.
I had to do something though. I am morbidly obese and have a family history of heart problems. That is not why I started the diet though. I just got tired of negative comments from people. Strangers I just ignore. But it is family and friends that really get on my nerves. The comments that they make. I’m sure that they mean well, but they make me feel like crap. It has gotten worse since my older sister went on the low carb diet and lost over a hundred pounds. Then the relatives start to look at you like “What’s the matter with you?”
I’ll give you an example. Recently, I had to be with family members at a group of funerals that came up in October. The relatives would come down the line and would see my younger sister and tell her how good she looked and that she was doing well. Then they would go down the line and see my older sister and really go crazy about her. Then they would turn and see me. You could see it on their faces. They would say “Joey, you look..”.Like 10 pounds of crap in a five pound bag is what comes to mind. But they don’t say that, they compose themselves and finish, “just like your father.” Then they bid a hasty retreat. You go through that about ten times and you start looking for the nearest exit. More later.