Monday Musings for June 1, 2020

I had a talk with my longtime friend Big TJ about life:

My week was hectic. I reread one of my favorite personal development books:

Still working on Wings, Unsolved Mysteries, and have started this classic, which I have never seen before:

Stay safe, stay healthy, and remain optimistic.


Tragedy in Blacksburg

The tragedy at Virginia Tech this week hit close to home for me. I work and live in a college community and something like this could have happened anywhere. The community is in shock and grieving and it will be a while before things will settle down there. Now is the time for our thoughts and prayers to be with those in that community. It is a very cliche’ thing to think, but the phrase “There but for the grace of God go I” just kept popping into my head yesterday. Let me know what you think.

Afternoon Update

Good afternoon. Welcome back to Joey’s Jots and the start of a whole new week. I apologize for the lack of updates the past few days. I was busy with work. I will try to make a better effort this week to pound out more copy. Which leads me to this weeks…
Up Front and Center
Two things to lead off the week; Steroids in baseball and the Salvation Army bell ringer controversy with Target. I have a very interesting view on both.
The Target stores have come under attack in the past week by banning the Salvation Army from placing its bell ringers and kettles in front of Target stores. Target’s position is that it doesn’t allow any solicitation in front of any of its stores and wouldn’t make an exception for the Salvation Army. This has drawn fire from many people calling for bans of Target and calling Target Scrooges.
This may surprise some of you, but I’m going to side with Target on this one. The Salvation Army is one of the best charity organizations out there. I know people who work for the Salvation Army and belong to the Salvation Army church. I always give to the kettle when the holidays come around because I am a soft touch. I will try to give something to the charities that stand out in front of stores, often to the chagrin of the people that I am with. With that said, Target should do what they think is right. If they don’t allow solicitation, then they shouldn’t allow the Salvation Army. If you let one in then you have to allow all of them in. For every Salvation Army or Red Cross, you get those “charities” that no one has ever heard of that harass you all over the parking lot and can even get nasty if you don’t give something.
If you want to give to the Salvation Army, fine. Give to the Salvation Army. The kettles will be at countless other stores this holiday season. And if you don’t want to shop at Target, also fine. There are numerous other places that sell the same items as Target. If you want to hurt Target, then vote with your pocketbook or wallet.
Then there is steroids in baseball. This story got on my nerves about 45 seconds after it broke. If Jason Giambi or Mark Mcguire or Barry Bonds have done steroids, fine. It doesn’t bother me at all. Should they be playing baseball now? Of course not. But that is the responsibility of Major League Baseball to clean up this mess. If it bothers you as a fan, then again you have to vote with your money. Don’t watch the games and don’t go out to the parks. Send the league a message that they have to clean up their act. This is the way to go, not through some legislative way. If we are upset with something in the world of sports, then we can deal with it on our own. We don’t need the government to step in and try to clean up every little mess for us. More later.

Afternoon Update

Up Front and Personal

I hope that everyone had a good weekend. The Christmas rush is here. I tried not to get out among all those people this weekend. With the start of another week comes the debut of one of the new features as part of the blog. The Up Front and Personal segment that I will debut on Mondays. On Monday’s I will write about different issues and give analysis and my take on those issues. This will be a space where I can set the tone for the week and also give you the reader food for thought as you go through the week.
Today’s UFandP came to me while I was reading Neal’s Nuze, the highly informative and entertaining program notes of Neal Boortz, talk show host and noted Libertarian. Neal posts his daily notes on his website, If Joey’s Jots is a tenth as good as Neal’s Nuze, then I will be happy.
Two issues today, that of medical marijuana and also the United Nations. Medical Marijuana is one issue that I have changed my mind on over the years. Mr. Boortz has something to do with that, along with my growing understanding of the issue of states rights.
I don’t go as far as some Libertarians in saying that we should just automatically do away with the war on drugs. I do believe that we should allow the use of medical marijuana. I look at the issue two different ways. First, it is a states rights issue. Several states have passed laws allowing the use of medical marijuana and I believe that the federal government should not usurp states rights in these situations. The federal government says that the use of medical marijuana violates its laws against illegal drugs. That is the issue before the Supreme Court today. Second, I don’t believe that I or anyone has the right to tell someone who’s loved one has a terminal illness that they can’t have something to ease the pain in their last few days without robbing them of their clarity as some other pain medications do. If your loved one was dying of cancer and you could make them comfortable in their last days, wouldn’t you do whatever it took? Of course you would. Anyone who was a clear thinking human would. I believe that is at the core of this issue. That, my friends, is true compassion.
Next, the United Nations. Is there a more vile and ruthless organization in the world? Kofi “The Hutt” Annan is a human being that doesn’t care about the welfare of any country, much less the United States. He has a personal disgust for the U.S. and our policies. He doesn’t believe that any country should be sovereign. We should just all bow down to the alter of the “organization” that he is the leader of. The oil for food program only lined the pockets of corrupt men while starving the people that needed the food the program was supplying. You can bet Kofi the Hutt was cursing the people of the U.S. after President Bush was reelected on Nov. 2nd. It’s time for us to leave the U.N. and for the U.N. to leave New York.
I saw National Treasure this weekend. I wholeheartedly recommend it. I was entertained for the entire two hours. Just a very good movie. It isn’t Shakespeare, but it isn’t supposed to be. It holds your attention and that is what a movie is supposed to do. This one is going to go into the DVD library when the disc comes out. More later.