Monday Musings April 19, 2021

-Happy Monday Everyone, we went from 30 degreees this morning to over 60 this afternoon. It’s been quite a day and quite a week.

-I finished:

Image result for Elementary season 1

-I’m Watching:

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier': Entertainment Weekly Teases Sam and  Bucky's 'Odd-Couple' Pairing | Marvel

-I’m reading:

Captain America, Vol. 1 (Marvel Masterworks) (Good Condition)
The Black Dove (Holmes on the Range, #3) by Steve Hockensmith

-My latest pocast offerings:

70. Animals in Omaha: SNME July 1990

It’s the end of an era as Jesse calls his last SNME, Hogan is going to wrestle Earthquake at SummerSlam, Warrior wants Rude in a cage, Rude feels lucky, Perfect takes on Santana, Buddy Rose makes an appearance, and Lord Alfred and Mean Gene do their best Marlon and JIm impersonation as Joey takes a look at the July 1990 SNME.


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