U.S. Marshals didn’t really arrest a man for missed student loan payments – Yahoo Finance

When I first heard this, a bell went off in the back of my head.  I knew that there had to be more to the story.  As originally reported, this of course seems horrible.  However, even if Mr. Aker did not receive any certified mail or other notices, he still knew that he owed the money because he was there at the original hearing.  I have gone through tough financial times myself, and the one thing that I know is you have to stay in contact with your creditors.  They will work with you to come up with options for repayment.

Paul Aker claims half a dozen U.S. Marshals showed up at his home last week and hauled him off to jail — all because of a 29-year-old student loan debt. Yahoo Finance investigated and found a much different story.

Source: U.S. Marshals didn’t really arrest a man for missed student loan payments – Yahoo Finance