February 15 Fridays Feast

Name one thing that is unique about you. I know way too much useless knowledge.
Fill in the blank: My favorite holiday is Christmas but I like Thanksgiving too.
What type of wood do you have for your home’s furnishings? No clue, we really don’t have many wood furnishings, but it is oak I think.
Main Course
Who do you talk to most often on the phone? My parent’s and my wife.
What level of responsibility do you have in your job? I am responsible for 6 employees and in charge of a building that houses 120 young men.

5 thoughts on “February 15 Fridays Feast

  1. Happy Friday. I like trivia… I’m always surprised at some of the things I DO know.. and wonder sometimes how I learned it and why. :-)My favorite holiday is Christmas, too.Have a great weekend.

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