January 18 Fridays Feast

It is birthday week here at the blog, with me and both of my sisters enjoying birthdays. My youngest sister turns 21 today! Where does the time go? On with the feast.

Appetizer What is your favorite beverage? Coke Zero and Coffee.

Soup Name 3 things that are on your computer desk at home or work. Fan, printer, and sunflower seeds.

Salad On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being highest), how honest do you think you are? An 8, sometimes you may have to lie to spare someones feelings.

Main Course If you could change the name of one city in the world, what would you rename it and why? Don’t know if there is any name I would change, but if there was a Joey city, I might move there.
Dessert What stresses you out? Bills and money problems in general. Also, my job at this time of year. What calms you down? Music, books, and watching television.

13 thoughts on “January 18 Fridays Feast

  1. Great feast. I’d love to live in a town that shared my name. There actually is a Melissa, TX, but it’s not close enough to my husband’s job (I work from home) to be considered.

  2. Congratulations!I try to consider money problems part of life, otherwise I’m stressed all the time.Feel welcome to visit my friday’s feast at:Laane on the World Have a great weekend!!!

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