January 11 Fridays Feast

Appetizer What is your middle name? Carroll, it is my father’s first name and his grandmother’s last name. Would you change any of your names if you could? No, I like my names.

Soup If you were a fashion designer, which fabrics, colors, and styles would you probably use the most? Don’t have a clue. Probably blue and red for the colors. I also like black.

Salad What is your least favorite chore, and why? Taking out the trash and washing dishes. I don’t know why but I absolutely dread doing both.

Main Course What is something that really frightens you, and can you trace it back to an event in your life? I am terrified about death, not about an afterlife or anything like that. I am all set there, but the actual act of dying itself. When I was younger, I had this recurring dream about the figure of Death. It was Death as you see in television or literature, only he didn’t have a scythe, just his left arm stretched out in front of him palm down. He would float down the railroad tracks that were in front of my childhood home. Just writing about it gives me the creeps.

Dessert Where are you sitting right now? At my computer desk. Name 3 things you can see at this moment. The blue plastic fan, the large remote control that my aunt and uncle gave me from The Sharper Image, and two printers.

Great Questions this week.

6 thoughts on “January 11 Fridays Feast

  1. Interesting feast! I now have a child old enough to do the dirty work of taking out the trash. But it’s not the worst job in the world . . .Thanks for visiting me!

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