December 7 Fridays Feast

Appetizer What was the last game you purchased? I purchased a bunch of card games for the guys in my building. They want that new debit card Monopoly now.

Soup Name something in which you don’t believe. The gas prices at the fuel pumps.

Salad If you could choose a celebrity to be your boss, who would you pick? Jerry Seinfeld, I would want him to teach me better comedy timing if he could.

Main Course What was a lesson you had to learn the hard way? Follow my instincts and my gut feeling the first time.

Dessert Describe your idea of the perfect relaxation room. A comfortable chair, 72 degree’s, a well stocked book shelf, big screen TV with surround sound for when I want to do something different.

Please check out my feast from last week which I got up extremely late. I would also like to with a Happy Hanukkah to all those who celebrate.

18 thoughts on “December 7 Fridays Feast

  1. I shake my head all the time when thinking about gas prices… Doesn’t seem like too long ago when I wished they someday maybe see 99 cents a gallon again. HAA! Now it would be nice to even 2 dollars a gallon! Ugh…

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