Fridays Feast/November 2

Appetizer How much money do you plan to spend this upcoming holiday season? I think we average about $20-30 a person, I don’t know how much exactly because we buy one or two presents a week. We started two weeks ago so we wouldn’t be rushed as it got closer to the holiday season.

Soup What was the last television show you watched, and was it good? I watched the NBC comedy night done right last night and they were pretty good.

Salad If you had to paint the walls of your living room tomorrow, what color would you choose? I like blue but I know my wife would never go for it.

Main Course Name something clever or practical you have thought of that should be invented, but hasn’t yet. I can’t really think of anything. My one shot at something was about 20 years ago. I thought of those pill holders for every day of the week so that people needing medication wouldn’t accidentally overdose. I was only a kid at the time and thought that everyone would think that I was stupid. They came out about a year later. The only difference is mine had a button that you pushed for your pills.

Dessert List 3 things you would like to receive as gifts this upcoming holiday season. The Lost Season Three DVD Set, a Red Sox championship Jersey, and Barnes & Noble gift cards.

7 thoughts on “Fridays Feast/November 2

  1. Oh, I’m sure you could get your wife to agree with painting the walls of your living room blue. Maybe you just have to make a compromise as to what shade of blue you’re going to use. πŸ™‚

  2. Ah, don’t beat yourself up over the pill box. When I was a kid, I had the idea to have shampoo and conditioner together in 1 application so as to save time taking showers in our busy house with 1 bathroom. It came out shortly after that too!We could have been the richest kids in school!!! (I even had a commercial worked out in my head!)

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