October 26 Fridays Feast

Appetizer: Name a great website you would recommend to others. I really like this one.

Soup:On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 as highest), how often do you dream at night? About an 8. I dream most every night. I can’t always remember specifics, but I remember dreaming. I dreamed last night that I was telling a joke but couldn’t remember a part of it. Even after I woke up and was drifting in and out of sleep I couldn’t remember how that joke went. Within three minutes of getting up it came to me.

Salad: Did you have a pet as a child? Yes, I did. If so, what kind and what was its name? Although we had dogs before her, my first pet that I remember clearly was a pure bred collie that we of course named Lassie. And that dog was just like the Lassie from TV only I never got stuck in a well.

Main Course: If you had the chance to star in a commercial, what would you choose to advertise? Chevy Trucks, mainly because that is what my dad has always drove and watching baseball this fall that John Mellancamp song is stuck in my head. This is our country.

Dessert: What is your favorite kind of hard candy? Werthers candies.

14 thoughts on “October 26 Fridays Feast

  1. Of COURSE you never got stuck in the well! Your name wasn’t TIMMY! Silly… :)Trucks would probably be 2nd on my list of things to advertise… maybe… LOL!

  2. What a great feast! I am glad to hear that Lassie did not have to save you from a well incident. Great Candy! I have not had a chance to do one for a long time. I am just peeking in and reading some because I miss them. I am going to try and do one next week.Have a wonderful Weekend!*^_^(=’:’=) TTFN(“)_ (“)Š from the Cool Raggedy one

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