October 5th Fridays Feast

Appetizer On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you look forward to your birthday? A 9. I love it when my birthday comes around. I feel it is a special day reserved just for me. This year will be a special birthday when it comes around because I will be turning 30.

Soup What is one word you don’t like the sound, spelling, or meaning of? I hate any word that has an extra letter that makes no sound, such at the T in Tsunami or the P in receipt. It is such a small thing, but it drives me crazy. I also hate the word Clique, the meaning used to drive me crazy in high school, it is a long story.

Salad Do you wear sunglasses when you’re outside? If so, what does your current pair look like? I usually don’t wear sunglasses at all. I went through this phase in the late 1980’s where I always wore mirrored sunglasses. I thought I looked so cool. I am thankful no pictures survived from that time period. At least no pictures that I am aware of.

Main Course If you were to write a book, to whom would you dedicate it? My wife of course. Also the rest of my family who encouraged me all those years.

Dessert Name a beverage that you enjoy. Coke Zero, as near to the real thing as I can get without all of that sugar.

16 thoughts on “October 5th Fridays Feast

  1. I don’t mind the extra letters if it’s just one, but words like “Greenwich” and “Worcestershire” where the accepted pronunciations have no relationship to the actual word? Those drive me nuts.

  2. Happy 30th Birthday this year!I would dedicate a book to my family too.I was surprised that Coke Zero tasted similar to real Coke. I stopped drinking Coke and drink iced tea most of the time because of all the sugar.

  3. Your salad made me laugh – we sure wore some crazy things in the 80s didn’t we. Unfortunately for my husband and I, some photos did survive and our kids now wonder WHAT we were thinking!!

  4. 30? You’re just a babe! My spare pair of sunglasses is a mirrored pair that someone gave me… I keep them in the car in case I forget my regular pair… thankfully I never have to use them!Have a great weekend Joey!

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