Friday’s Feast for March 30

AppetizerWhat are you proud of? Graduating from college and going out and finding my current job on my own.
SoupWhat is the best thing you’ve ever won as a prize? A 10 speed bike that the local fast food restaurant was giving away that they had actually paid my dad 10 bucks to put together before hand.
SaladName something you do that is a waste of time. I obsessively count stairs as I go up or down them, every time I go up or down them. This wastes a lot of time.
Main CourseIn what year of your life did you change the most? 1993. I grew two inches and lost about 40 pounds that year. I also grew emotionally that summer between 9th and 10th grade. 1993 was a good year.
DessertWhere is a place you consider to be very tranquil? Can’t think of anywhere right off hand. I love the tranquility of a long stretch of road.

48 thoughts on “Friday’s Feast for March 30

  1. Oooh, never thought of a long stretch of road for that one, but you are right. Trouble is, in England we don’t get really long stretches.

  2. That was a very nice prize! The only time I can remember counting steps was when I was feeling sorry for myself for having to carry groceries up them. 🙂

  3. Great Feast! Congrats on graduating from college and getting a job. I liked your salad too…I count stairs as well! I don’t know why, but I do. LOL. And I have to agree that ’93 was a good year. I graduated high school that year. Thanks for sharing. :)Have a great weekend!

  4. LoL at that counting stairs things! We do have our own little quirks!And for your appetizer: That’s something to be truly proud of!Stretch of the road— I could see what you mean, especially if it’s in the countryside or backroads, that would be kind of tranquil.Thanks for visiting my feast!

  5. ahhh yes, a long stretch of beautiful country road is it for me. I used to love going for drives along the country roads before I moved to the big city here in Texas, from the beautiful country life in Kentucky. *sigh*..lolThank you for stopping by and for the invite to share your yummy feast!!

  6. And I thought I was the only one who counted stairs as they go up and down them. Great feast! I have mine up if you would like to take a look.

  7. Nice Feast! I think that your Dessert is an example of how guys and girls are different; I get so anxious and tired on long stretches of road. Have a nice weekend 🙂

  8. Counting steps, eh. I count the steps I take on a fast walk, I cant seem to help myself, I think it is something about rythem.Liked your dessert.

  9. Counting stairs, huh? I’ve counted things before but not stairs. Great, now I’ll probably start counting them. ;oPThanks for stopping by. 🙂

  10. Nice feast! Sometimes I catch myself doing that with the stairs too, but I usually can stop myself if I realize I am doing it. Where does that come from?!?

  11. Your feast was delicious.I agree that there is something tranquil about a long stretch of road.Thanks for stopping by my Friday Feast.

  12. Hi Joey, I just got back in town and noticed you stopped by on Friday. I appreciate that. I like your list, too. That counting stairs thing I can identify with completely. I count weeds when I pull them in the garden! Does that mean we are sick in the head or something?

  13. Counting stairs??? Isn’t that a bit boring? What happens if you make a mistake? Do you start all over again?Lovely feast. Thanks for sharing my feast too

  14. Delicious feasting Joey! Sounds like 1993 was a Very Good Year for you. Thanks so much for visiting my FF AND for commenting!Blessings to you.

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