Fridays Feast for March 23.

AppetizerWho is your favorite news anchor/reporter? Why? Honestly, Brit Hume. I remember him reporting on ABC World News Tonight back in the day with Peter Jennings. He is a very intelligent man who has been praised for his journalism skills by our past two presidents. Very telling since they were a Democrat and Republican president, respectively.
SoupName 3 foods that are currently in your freezer. Frozen taquitos, Chicken, and I think my wife has some ice cream left.
SaladIf you were to have the opportunity to name a new town or city, what would you call it? Since there is a Truth or Consequences, New Mexico already, I think something like Truth or Dare, Arizona or Deal or No Deal, North Dakota.
Main CourseWhat will most likely be the next book you read? I’m in the middle of two books now but I am thinking of going and buying Stephen King’s On Writing to get some help with my own book.
DessertWhat’s the first thing you notice about the opposite gender? Don’t really notice them since I am married, but back in the day, I would say their eyes or their smiles.

Great Feast this week. Don’t forget to read some of my other posts. Especially the one I wrote yesterday. Comments are always appreciated.

36 thoughts on “Fridays Feast for March 23.

  1. Great Feast! I read yesterday’s feast, too. I should pick up that book, too.Best wishes on your book, and my condolences on the loss of that woman to your community.Rob of UnSpace

  2. Very good feast! I like the eyes too.I’m up on blooger cause my server has been down for 2 days and my daughter is getting irrate with them.Tutu Bent

  3. Hey whats with all the “I don’t notice people because I am married” comments I have been reading? It doesn’t necessarily mean sexually, could simply mean a healthy appreciation. Tee hee 😉

  4. I lived in North Dakota for 5 years in the 90s…funny name for a town there! I was laughing out loud. And taquitos…yum-O! :)Great Feast. Mine is up too. Come on over and dine with the rest of us. 🙂 Have an excellent weekend.

  5. Taquitos are my weakness. I LOL at your city names those are really cool.Smiles always brighten my day!Have a great weekend and thanks for the great feast!

  6. Lovely feast tonight. Thanks for stopping by my blog too! I really appreciate when people do stop by and actually leave a comment. I try my best to do that to those that I visit too. Oh yeah…it has to be the eyes/face!

  7. Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog! I really like the idea of Truth or Dare, Arizona…it would be overrun with middle school girls 🙂

  8. Hi Joey,…Thanks for reading my blog.We both had the same about eyes and smiles!!I have a blogger friend, who is a writer of books.She lives in Florida.If you want her site , let me know? Baba

  9. Thank you for the correction. I must have been having a ‘doh’ day when I posted that. I will correct that on my post.btw – I too was a fan of Peter Jennings

  10. Hi, thanks for inviting me to the feast! I enjoyed and I noticed on your profile that we like the same movies! Also best wishes on your book from another writer wanna-be 🙂

  11. Brit Hume would have been my second choice. I remember him from ABC days also. Never could get into King’s books, but I did like Shawshank.Million page challenge is an interesting concept, but my job would allow for ANY reading!!Thanks for visiting my site.

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