Evening Post

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving holiday. I know I did. I even disciplined myself and didn’t eat too much. I didn’t miss the pecan or sweet potato pie that much.
Today is Black Friday. I drove past Wal-Mart this morning on my way to work. You could not even get on the lot. This was at freaking 6 a.m.!! You couldn’t pay me enough to get up that early.
Went out tonight and bought a few Christmas gifts. I still have a lot to buy though. It seems like it gets more hectic year after year. People will charge themselves heavily into debt over the holidays and will end up paying far more for an item than it costs after putting it on the credit card.
I work all weekend. I may find time to bang out a couple of entries. Then on Monday, I will debut a new feature for Joey’s Jots. More later.

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